
Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Houston Local Tourists Challenge

While we would love nothing more than to spend our lives traveling the world and writing about it here, the unfortunate reality is that we live in Houston, Texas.  However, we decided to not let that fact keep us from being tourists less ordinary.  So, we decided that between trips to new and far away places, we would challenge ourselves to tour our city as we would any other city that we were visiting for the first time.

The challenge started because we were thinking about how much Houston has to offer, but we simply don't do anything because we get stuck in our own routine, and there is no time to truly explore and enjoy the city.  I don't know how many times I've heard people say that when living in a place, you put off doing the "touristy" things, and as a result, as a citizen of the city, never really get to enjoy the city's allure to real tourists.  I've been guilty of that myself in the various cities I've lived in throughout my life.

Weather and time permitting, our Local Tourist Challenge involves picking one new thing to do, see or visit in Houston, Texas, one time per week.  I will be writing about our adventures exploring stay tuned :)

If any of you have suggestions, please do let me know.

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